Master data in Sales and distribution

Each sales and distribution consists of the data copied from several master data. The Master data in sales and distribution are,
- Customer Master
- Material Master
- Customer/Material information.
- Condition Master
- Output master
Customer Master :
T codes : XD01, XD02, XD03.
Tables : Customer master tables
Customer master comprises of the general data, Company code data and the sales area data.
General data gives the basic information about the customer which is common across all the sales area and company codes. The general data consists of the below tabs,
- Address tab – Customer name, address, contact details and language.
- Control data – Information of customer tax details.
- Payment transaction – Bank account details.
- Marketing – Category of customer such as Customer class, Industry sectors etc.
- Unloading Points -Contains the unloading point details.
- Foreign Trade – Data related to Export.
- Contact person – Address of the business partners.
Sales are data are specific to a particular sales area (Sales org/Distribution channel/Division). The tabs available in Sales area data are
- Sales – Details related to sales such as Sales office, currency, sales district, Price group etc.
- Shipping – Details related to shipping and transportation
- Billing document – Payments details and tax details.
Partner functions – comprises of partner details for sales such as,
- Sold to Party – One who order the products.
- Ship to Party – one who receives the product.
- Bill to Party – One who receives the Invoice for the product.
- Payer – One who pay for the product etc.
Company code data are specific to a particular company code. The tabs available in the company code data are
- Account Management – Accounting details such as reconciliation, cash management etc.
- Payment management – Payment methods, Blocks, terms of payment etc
- Correspondence management – Payment notices, dunning data etc
- Insurance – Insured amount
Material Master data :
Tcode : MM01, MM02 and MM03.
Tables : Material Master tables
When a material is entered in the sales document automatically the data are picked from the material master. The material mater data tabs which are relevant for sales are
- Basic data – common for all the organizational units.
- Sales: Sales org 1 – Contains delivering plant, Material group, tax details etc.
- Sales: Sales org 2 – Material group, Account assignment group, Item category, Product hierarchy, etc.
- Sales: general/plant – Specific to each delivering plant which contains Profit center, shipping data etc.
- Foreign trade: Export – Export and import details.
- Sales text – Item text relevant for sales
Customer – Material info Record :
Tcode : VD51
Tables : KNMT
- It is used for storing the customer specific material data. This data takes priority over the customer and material default data.
Pricing Condition Mater:
Tcode : VK11, VK12, VK13, VK15.
Tables : KONH and KONP
- The condition master data is used during pricing which comprise of Price, Surcharges, discounts, freight and taxes. This conditions are used to derive the cost of the material in the sales order through pricing procedure.
Output condition mater:
Tcode : NACE and NACR
Tables : TNAPR, NAST and NACH
- Output is a information which is customer to user through various methods, such as Email, Printed form, FAX and EDI (Electronic Data Exchange – Our system to customer)