Special Stock Indicators in SAP SD

Special Stock Indicator used to separately manage certain stock in the system. In SAP already predefined list of indicators:
E Orders on hand
K Consignment (vendor)
M Ret.trans.pkg vendor
O Parts prov. vendor
P Pipeline material
Q Project stock
V Ret. pkg w. customer
W Consignment (cust.)
Y Shipping unit (whse)
Special Stock Indicator can be defined within two attempts:
1) Based on Requirements type from SO:
First system check Requirements type: SPRO: IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements -> Transfer of Requirements -> Define Requirements Types, transaction OVZH
and take Requirements class: SPRO: IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements -> Transfer of Requirements -> Define Requirements Classes, transaction OVZG
2) Via Item Category from Sales Order:
Check Item Category SPRO: IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Define Item Categories, transaction VOV7