SAP GUI shortcodes is increasing work speed with SAP. And here is a short note with all possible shortcodes.
You can execute the following commands in this field with Enter:
To call a transaction
in the same session (window)
Enter: /nxxxx (xxxx = transaction code).
in the same session (window), whereby the initial screen is skipped.
Enter: /*xxxx (xxxx = transaction code).
◦in an additional session,
Enter: /oxxxx (xxxx = transaction code).
To end the current transaction
Enter: /n.
Caution: Unsaved changes are lost without warning -
To delete the current session.
Enter: /i. -
To generate a session list
Enter: /o. -
To end the current transaction and return to the starting menu
Enter: /ns000. -
To log off from the system
Enter: /nend. -
To log off from the system without a confirmation prompt
Enter: /nex.
Caution: Changes that were not saved are lost without warning.