SAP Intrasstat

Intrastat reporting is a legally required report for all European Union (EU) countries. It is also mandatory for all companies that have a Value Added Tax (VAT) declaration number in an EU country and a turnover over a certain threshold. (There are two thresholds: one for revenue and one for the purchasing value). All goods movements related to sales orders and purchase orders (i.e., all cross-border goods flows within the EU) must be reported in Intrastat. You can find the data used for the Intrastat reports on the foreign trade views of sales orders, sales invoices, purchase orders and purchase invoices. In SAP responsible two modules SD-FT-GOV and MM-FT-GOV.
EU companies must complete two Intrastat reports: one for the goods receipts and one report for dispatches. The most important data on both reports are the product’s value and weight.