SAP WMS BAPI and User-Exits
SAP WM Tables
SAP SD Tables

Sales and distribution tables comprises of Sales, Billing, Delivery, Copy control and other linking tables. These tables are necessary for all the basic activities in sales and distribution. It is always better to have a copy of these tables with us. Below are the tables which we normally use in the sales and distribution process.
SAP MM Tables
How to delete material revision level in SAP

The SAP revision levels are typically used to identify that smaller changes to the material have been done like updating specifications, updating drawing information (but no changes that would change the form of the product). A revision level is set for the material at client level, it’s shown in almost all the views of the material master right under the material number. The revision level is available in the BOM, MD04, PR, PO and SA however the stock is not segregated by revision level so in MMBE you will not see this revision level, nor will the stock be separated by revision level.
SAP Mass Conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders

There are two variants of mass conversion of Planned Orders to Production Orders. You can also schedule a background job (batch job).
Special Stock Indicators in SAP SD

Special Stock Indicator used to separately manage certain stock in the system. In SAP already predefined list of indicators:
SAP Shipping Point Determination

In SAP Shipping Point determined automatically via customization. You are still able to change the shipping point proposed by the system in Sales order (sales document) or Stock transfer Oorder (STO).
SAP list of all transactions (TCodes)

From time to time need to find some SAP Transaction (tcodes) or download all of them. It is easy if you know where they are stored 🙂