Error message during GI posting “Message No. M7146” note 305582

Error message during GI posting: EKPO-SOBKZ=E; EKPO-UMSOK=_; EKPO-KZBWS<>_ EKPO-KZVBR<>E (Note 305582) not supported (check your entry).
Message No. M7146
handy guidelines about complicated things …
Error message during GI posting: EKPO-SOBKZ=E; EKPO-UMSOK=_; EKPO-KZBWS<>_ EKPO-KZVBR<>E (Note 305582) not supported (check your entry).
Message No. M7146
Order Types represent business scenarios and are mostly selected by the user when creating the sales document. Sales Documents Types is a 2 character indicator.
Some times need to save your favorites in various reasons, and it is easy:
An item category is used to define if an item is suitable for billing or pricing. It defines the additional control functions for a sales document.
Schedule line category:
In SAP SD process, schedule line category in sales order decides whether or how the system passes on requirements to materials requirements planning (MRP).
In this topic I will try to explain source (meaning) CusOrd date in TCode MD04 or CO09. This date coming from the sales order:
Storage location is an important parameter which has a significant role in availability check. It is important to know the relevant customizing settings, so please go through the below mentioned information and set up your system accordingly.
A little comparison between Vendor Consignment and Customer Consigmen is:
Use ABAP program: RSTXSCRP
You can upload or download your SAPscripts & SmartForms as a text file from the local hard drive.
SAP have created a standard program RSTXPDFT4 to convert your Sapscripts spools into a PDF format.